Leon – An Emotional

For the first time in human history 200 images of human emotions are available to view in one box. And what’s more, you can sort them into a movie flipbook of any combination that you’d like! Would you like to see surprise changing into sadness? Just configure the cards, bind them together with a rubber band, flip, and there you have it. Or, too timid to share your feelings with the one you love? Sort perplexed, longing, torment, suffering, affection, and love into a set, and instead of writing a sonnet, simply flip the cards for your object of affection. You can do it all without hurting anyone’s feelings using the 200 face cards of “Leon — An Emotional Flipbook”.
— The set is boxed in a “playing card” box; the 200 full color cards are 2 x 4 5/8 inches.

different flipbooks which is a number meaningful to probably only one or two people at the Rand Corporation, but by any token is alot of flipbook for the money. Of course you can use any number of cards and that number would be an addition of all factorials starting at 200!+199!+198!+197!…etc +4!+3!+2!+1!. So you do the math. That’s alot of flipbooks for only $12.)