TWO FLIPBOOKS IN ONE BOOK! Newark Athlete shows one of the earliest of film experiments of a young boy swinging a pair of “Indian clubs”. The warped images show how primitive this early experiment was, but is a very exciting view into this early filmm success.Annie Oakley one of the earliest films to show a celebrity “at work” as she shoots at a target. This is an excerpt of a slightly longer film sequence. 103 frames each sequence, 3 x 5 inches, shrinkwrapped $8.75
TWO FLIPBOOKS IN ONE BOOK! This flipbook shows two highly staged theatrical sequences that were extremely popular of their time: the first cinematic kiss which was taken from a stage play of the time, and a costumed woman dances a rather wild and evocative “butterfly dance” that was based on the craze for serpentine dances of spinning white sheets. Each sequence is 135 frames, 3 x 5 inches, shrinkwrapped. $10.00
Complete set of all four books $25.50 ($4 off single copy price)
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